by Bryan Nicoll | Apr 4, 2022 | Celebrity Dancers 2022
Sheetal Mangalat My family moved to Georgia just before my 10th birthday, and I have been a Braves fan since. After having the opportunity to live in many places in our beautiful country and abroad, I had the privilege of moving to Gainesville with my husband and...
by Bryan Nicoll | Apr 4, 2022 | Celebrity Dancers 2022
Mark Linkesh I was born in a small steel mill town in West Virginia and moved south when I attended Furman University in Greenville, South Carolina. I met my wife, Nancy Hothem Linkesh, shortly after I graduated, and we have been together ever since. We moved to...
by Bryan Nicoll | Apr 4, 2022 | Celebrity Dancers 2022
Wendy Fountain Born and raised in Gainesville to Steve Watson and Sheila Maney, I’m a 2nd generation Red Elephant! I met my sweet South Georgia husband, Colt, in Statesboro and quickly convinced him the foothills of North Georgia were home forever! I’m a...
by Bryan Nicoll | Apr 4, 2022 | Celebrity Dancers 2022
Jason Dunckel I was born and raised in Gainesville and am a graduate of North Hall’s class of ‘05. I am married to Diana, and we have one daughter, Sophia (3). After graduating from North Georgia College in 2010, I began working at Wilheit Packaging. As much as I love...
by Bryan Nicoll | Apr 4, 2022 | Celebrity Dancers 2022
Katie Allen I was born in Phoenix, Arizona as a “military brat,” and in middle school, moved with my family to Eagle Boys Ranch, which served as my home and my extended family. Soccer, running and all things outdoors held my interests before graduating from Johnson...
by Bryan Nicoll | Apr 4, 2022 | Celebrity Dancers 2022
Callie Hughs Born and raised in Gainesville, I am the daughter of Wesley and Greta Martin and daughter in law of David and Shannon Hughs. After graduating from Gainesville High School and Auburn University, I decided to settle down back in Gainesville with my high...