Patrick Cisco
Born and raised in the Motor City (Go Lions!), educated in the Deep South (Hotty Toddy!), and a resident of the Peach State since graduating in 2007, I finally found my “home” in Gainesville after spending ten years living and working in Atlanta. With a lifelong love for music, and having never taken an actual dance class before in his life, I am excited to be a part of this year’s Dancing for a Cause. Ever since moving to Gainesville, I have taken notice of the goodness of its people and the efforts that the community takes to help one another and give back to the great charities and non-profits that we have here. By day, I am a Commercial Realtor with The Norton Agency, and, by night, the father of three young boys (Cooper (4), Marshall (3), and Wally (1)) and loving husband to my wife, Emilie. When I’m not chasing around kids, changing dirty diapers, or in the field showing land and buildings, I am can be found out on the lake, golf course, or attending a live music show.